Sunday, 4 October 2015

Week #5 Andriod a Liability or an Asset?

Today, Android is the world's most favorite mobile operating system, but it is slowly becoming a liability rather than an asset. The Android platform suffers the issue of fragmentation meaning there are multiple versions of the same operating system on the market, even on newer devices.  Manufacturers often make their its own changes to the platform, so they could be behind Google's current reference release. Also, carriers and manufacturers may not update their products' to the updated Android OS version when Google does, or they take months or even years to do so.
As a result, many people within the same organization might be using outdated versions that could be riddled with security vulnerabilities.

Now Android has a new malware that can render the phone useless which is:

Android/Lockerpin.A: This is a Malicious apps that disable Android phones until owners pay a hefty ransom. If the user refuses to pay, he/she would have no choice but to do a factory reset, losing all their data.


New Android ransomware locks out victims by changing lock ...(n.d.). Retrieved from

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